Fundada en 1990 como proyecto conjunto de Aer Lingus, Silkar Investments y Net Holding, Pegasus Airlines ha transformado el sector de la aviación en Turquía. El primer vuelo de Pegasus despegó en mayo de 1990; en 2005 la compañía fue adquirida por ESAS Holding. En noviembre de ese mismo año comenzó a operar sus vuelos nacionales regulares como una aerolínea de bajo coste, convirtiéndose en la cuarta aerolínea de vuelos regulares operativa en Turquía. Ali Sabancı es el presidente de su Consejo de Administración, mientras que Sertaç Haybat ocupa el puesto de Director General de la compañía.
Aplicando el modelo de negocio de las aerolíneas de bajo coste que ella misma introdujo y del que sigue estando a la cabeza en Turquía, Pegasus opera de acuerdo con su visión, para que el transporte aéreo sea accesible para todo el mundo, ofreciendo a sus clientes vuelos asequibles, una flota joven y opciones personalizadas de viaje.
La red de vuelos de Pegasus, que comenzó a operar vuelos regulares en 2005 con solo seis destinos, se ha expandido en la actualidad y ya incluye un total de 98 destinos, 31 nacionales y 67 internacionales, a lo largo de 40 países. El 18 de diciembre de 2012, Pegasus firmó un acuerdo con Airbus para la compra de 100 Airbus A320neo y A321neo, 25 de ellos opcionales. El acuerdo tiene un valor total de 12.000 millones de dólares, de acuerdo con los precios publicados en el momento de otorgamiento. Con la realización de este pedido, Pegasus estampó su rúbrica en el mayor jamás cursado de una sola vez en la historia de la aviación civil turca.
Pegasus opera vuelos nacionales a Adana, Esmirna, Kayseri, Antalya, Bodrum, Diyarbakır, Dalaman, Ankara, Elazığ, Gaziantep, Hatay, Konya, Malatya, Mardin, Estambul, Samsun, Trebisonda, Van, Sivas, Sanlıurfa, Batman, Erzincan, Gazipaşa/Alanya, Kahramanmaraş, Muş, Merzifon/Amasya, Denizli, Nevşehir, Balıkesir/Edremit, Erzurum, Kastamonu; sus vuelos internacionales regulares vuelan a Colonia, Roma, Dusseldorf, Almatý, Múnich, Pristina, Stuttgart, República Turca del Norte de Chipre/Ercan, Berlín, Beirut, Viena, Skopie, Bruselas, Bucarest, Krasnodar, Copenhague, Marsella, París, St. Etienne/Lyón, Tiflis, Ámsterdam, Londres Stansted, Londres Gatwick, Teherán, Estocolmo, Basilea, Zúrich, Milán-Malpensa, Milán-Bérgamo, Járkov, Donetsk, Atenas, Erbil, Tel Aviv, Bolonia, Leópolis, Dubai, Belgrado, Sarajevo, Núremberg, Barcelona, Doha, Tirana, Moscú, Fráncfort, Madrid, Kuwait, Hamburgo, Biskek, Baréin, Praga, Ginebra, Mineralnye Vody, Budapest, Hurgada, Sharm El-Sheij, Niza, Oslo y Kutaisi, así como a destinos adicionales como Osh, Ekaterimburgo, Novosibirsk, Dusambé, Delhi y Urumchi, a los que se llega a través de Biskek.
Pegasus ofrece constantemente a sus clientes nuevos servicios y productos para asegurarse de que disfrutan de su experiencia de viaje. Sigue ofreciendo productos junto con nuevos servicios que abarcan desde opciones de aparcamiento asequibles hasta alquiler de coches y reservas de hotel o sugerencia de actividades o reservas.
La familia Pegasus se ha ido expandiendo paralelamente a su crecimiento en el sector; así lo atestigua, en un periodo de 10 años, su paso de un equipo de 700 miembros a una gran familia que alcanzó los 3.890 integrantes en el primer semestre de 2015.
Las inversiones de Pegasus en tecnología y seguridad de vuelo aumentan incesantemente y la compañía ha abierto el centro de formación de vuelo más novedoso de Turquía. También se ha convertido en una aerolínea pionera al integrar en su flota su sistema Wireless Groundlink End to End Network Solutions, que permite la transferencia bidireccional de datos, vital para el rastreo de sistemas.
El 26 de abril de 2013, Pegasus Airlines comenzó a operar en la bolsa de Estambul con el código 'PGSUS', ofreciendo el 34,5 % de sus acciones al público y convirtiéndose en la primera aerolínea privada en cotizar en bolsa en el país.
Invested $22.3 million in two innovative technologies, making it a groundbreaking achievement in the history of world aviation
Built a flight training centre with the latest flight simulation technology, placing Pegasus in the top 10% of companies out of the world's 582 airlines with this simulator
Integrated Groundlink End to End Network Solutions System into fleet, becoming the first airline in the world to do so
In the first 6 months took delivery of 6 new aircraft, making a total of 24 aircraft out of projected fleet of 40 Boeing 737-800s
Increased flight network to 19 destinations within Turkey and 30 internationally –total of 49 in 22 countries
Added Sivas, Bucharest, Tehran, Skopje, Pristina and Erbil to schedules
Flew 8.6 millionth guest
For the first time in Turkey offered mobile phone check-in using a barcode. Also offered an online facility to purchase extra weight allowances for luggage and optional online seat selection
Between 2006 and 2010 number of guests carried on all flights within Turkey increased by 15%. However Pegasus saw an overall increase of 42% in the number of its guests
Took delivery of a new Boeing 737-800 which was the 14th of planned fleet of 40 aircraft
Added Hatay, Paris, Marseilles, St Etienne/Lyon, Rome, Milan, Stockholm, Beirut, Tbilisi and Kharkov to schedules
Started a pre-ordered meal option before flights
Added Konya, Athens, Basel, Brussels, Berlin and Krasnodar to schedules
Made and showed film demonstrating cabin safety using the children of Pegasus family members.
Started to name new aircraft after baby girls recently born to members of staff in the Pegasus ‘family’. Also gave the name 'Gulce' to new Boeing 737-800 aircraft, delivered in August
Started a car hire service online.
In partnership with HSBC Bank introduced a flight and shopping card, the Pegasus Card
Started flights to Samsun and Cologne
Became sponsors of the PWA Windsurf World Cup
Started selling travel insurance online
Added Amsterdam, Dusseldorf, Munich, Copenhagen, London and Zurich to schedules
Took delivery of first aircraft named 'Hayirli', first of our planned fleet of 40 Boeing 737-800s. The biggest single investment ever made in the Turkish private aviation sector, valued at USD 3.2 billion
Began the Pegasus cafe service
Started scheduled flights to Izmir, Bodrum, Dalaman, Kayseri, Gaziantep, Malatya, Nicosia and Vienna
Started first international scheduled flights, kicking off with Stuttgart
Introduced Ekopark services for our guests
Introduced online seat selection
In January ESAS Holding bought Pegasus. Chose Sabiha Gokcen Airport as the main hub for fleet of 14 aircraft. In November started flights within Turkey to 6 destinations
Aer Lingus, Silkar Investment and Net Holding joined forces to found fleet with 2 aircraft
Pegasus Airlines pertenece a ESAS Holding, que se estableció en 2000 como una company.The presidente de capital de riesgo de ESAS Holding es Şevket Sabanci. ESAS Holding tiene una destacada trayectoria gracias a su enfoque joven e innovadora a las empresas.
Mr. Sağıroğlu has served as a member of our Board of Directors since 2013. He previously held several positions at Türkiye Sinai Kalkınma Bankası between 1980 and 1999 where his last position was head of corporate finance. Mr. Sağıroğlu served as the CEO of a joint venture corporate finance advisory company founded by a German investment banking group, IEG Investment Banking, from 2011 to 2012. Currently, he serves as the independent member of the board of directors of alarko Gayrimenkul Yatırım Ortaklığı A.S. and the chairman of the Association of Listed Comapnies’ Executives (Koteder). Mr. Sağıroğlu holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Boğaziçi University.
Saad Hassan Hammad joined Pegasus Hava Taşımacılığı A.Ş. as a non-executive member of the Board of Directors effective as of April 25, 2014. Mr. Hammad has an extensive executive and non-executive experience in the airline industry and he has been serving as the CEO of Flybe Group plc since August 2013. Between 2005 and 2009, Mr. Hammad served as the chief commercial officer of easyJet plc and between May 2011 and September 2012 he served as a non-executive director at Air Berlin plc where he was also a member of Air Berlin's finance committee.
Outside of the aviation industry, between 2009 and 2013, Mr. Hammad served as the managing director of The Gores Group, an operations-focused private equity firm with approximately US$4 billion under management. Mr. Hammad also held a number of management positions in business management, brand management, sales and marketing and retailing at Procter & Gamble, Thorn-EMI, Vision Express, the Minit Group and the Boston Consulting Group, served as managing director at Tibbett & Britten, as co-founder and CEO at Autocascade, a pan-European web-based yield management start-up focused on the automotive sector and as a non-executive director at Optos plc where he was a member of the audit and remuneration committees.
Mr. Hammad holds a bachelor's degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Oxford University and a master's degree in Business Administration from INSEAD in France.
Conor McCarthy, who has been serving as Member of Board of Directors at Pegasus Hava Tasimaciligi A.S since 2012, began his work life at Aer Lingus in 1978 and worked in all areas of the airline administration including engineering, operations, maintenance, commercial planning, marketing, line economy, finance, strategic management, fleet planning and general management for 18 years in total. While he was working as chief executive officer at Aer Lingus Commuter, he left the company, started working in Ryanair as group operations director and continued until 2000. He is still holding a position as executive chief officer in Dublin Aerospace Ltd. and also a management position in AirAsia, which he took part in its joint foundation. Moreover, he is the administrative director of Conor McCarthy has a Bachelor's degree in Engineering granted by Trinity College Dublin.
Mr. Kozlu has served as a member of our Board of Directors since 2013. Mr. Kozlu held several positions at The Coca-Cola Company between 1996 and 2006 where his last position was the president of the company's Central Europe, Eurasia and Middle East operations. Sinec 2006, he has continued to serve as consultant to Coca-Cola Eurasia and Africa Group. Mr. Kozlu served as a member of Parliament in the Turkish Grand National Assembly from 1991 to 1995 and was the chairman of CEO of Turkish Airlines from 1988 to 1991. He also served as the president of the Association of European Airlines in 1990. Mr. Kozlu holds a bachelor's degree from Denison University and an MBA degree from Stanford University. He also holds a Ph.D. in administrative sciences from Boğaziçi University.
Sertac Haybat , who has been serving as General Manager and Member of Board of Directors at Pegasus Hava Tasimaciligi A.S since 2005, began his work life at Bursa Airlines in 1979 as Maintenance Manager in airlines sector. He held office as a member of engineering team between 1982 and 1987, as Strategic Planning and Investments Manager, Marketing Director and Sales Director for Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia between 1989 and 1993, and as an Executive Board Member responsible for Financial and Corporate Planning at Turkish Airlines between 1997 and 2003. Moreover, he also served as a Member of Board of Directors at SunExpress company. Sertac Haybat has a Bachelor's Degree in aviation engineering granted by Manchester University in 1976.
He was elected as the Chairman of Turkish Private Aviation Enterprises Association (TOSHID) in December 2012 and still holds this position.
Huseyin Cagatay Ozdogru is a member of the Board of Directors at Pegasus Hava Tasimaciligi A.S since 2007. Huseyin Cagatay Ozdogru held various positions at France Telecom Group between 1997 and 2001, where his last post was Vice President of REEMEA region (Russia-East Europe-Middle East & Africa. Huseyin Cagatay Ozdogru was the President of IT & Telecommunications industry in Sabancı Holding between 2002 and 2005. In June 2005 Huseyin Cagatay Ozdogru joined Esas Holding as a member of the Executive Committee and since 2010 he is serving as the CEO at Esas Holding A.S.. Huseyin Cagatay Ozdogru has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from Istanbul Technical University and a Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the George Washington University.
Ali Ismail Sabanci has been holding the position of Chairman of Board in Pegasus Hava Tasimaciligi A.S since 2005. Between 1991 and 1997, he served in miscellaneous duties in Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and Akbank T.A.S. and held office as Deputy Executive Manager of Strategy and Business Development between 2001 and 2004. He also holds a member position in Board of Directors of Esas Holding. He has a master's degree in Economics and Politics granted by Tufts University and bachelor's degree in International Finance obtained from Columbia University Business Administration Faculty.
He is the Chairman of Young Entrepreneurs Board within the Union of Chambers and Commodities of Turkey and also member to Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) and Turkish-American Business Council (TAIK).