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BolPoints Detail
BolPoints Detail
Travel Details
Travel Details
Membership Details
Membership Details
What is BolBol?
What is BolBol?

For inquiries and questions related to BolBol, you can call our toll-free call center att 0 (850) 399 17 016


Member of Pegasus BolBol since .

Available BolPuan
BolPuan to Expire

To not miss the advantage of flying with Pegasus BolBol, you must use your BolPoints before they expire.

For inquiries and questions related to BolBol, you can call our toll-free call center att 0 (850) 399 17 016

Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Now you can fly more with Pegasus; when you buy one ticket, you get one free! Book a flight before 30 June to fly from 15 July to 18 September on www.flypgs.com/en, via our mobile site or on our app. Win a free one-way, direct flight on an internal route in Turkey or an international route departing from Turkey between 1 October 2016 and 25 March 2017! Enjoy travelling far and wide with Pegasus.

Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Now you can fly more with Pegasus; when you buy one ticket, you get one free! Book a flight before 30 June to fly from 15 July to 18 September on www.flypgs.com/en, via our mobile site or on our app. Win a free one-way, direct flight on an internal route in Turkey or an international route departing from Turkey between 1 October 2016 and 25 March 2017! Enjoy travelling far and wide with Pegasus.

calendar /

"Scan the QR code to instantly download the mobile app. Easily manage all steps of your trip from a single screen."

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Campaign Details

Campaign Rules

This promotion is valid for tickets purchased through the flypgs.com, website or mobile apps between the dates 27 and 30 June. Once you take your flight between 15 July and 18 September, a free ticket code will be e-mailed to you within 72 hours. You can use your free ticket code for flights scheduled between 1 October 2016 and 25 March 2017 in accordance with the rules below.
• A ticket must be booked for a flight between 15 July and 18 September 2016 in order to win a free ticket
• The free ticket can be redeemed for travel between 1 October 2016 and 25 March 2017.

The campaign excludes flights on the dates below.
o 27 – 31 October 2016
o 20 -22 January 2017
o 27-29 January 2017
o 3-6 February 2017

• Each guest that books an internal flight in Turkey will receive an offer code for a free one-way, direct flight ticket on any internal route in Turkey and each guest who books a flight on any international route (including North Cyprus) will be sent an offer code for a free one-way direct flight ticket on any international route DEPARTING FROM TURKEY or any internal Turkish route.
• The ticketed flight must be taken in order to receive a free ticket code.
• Your offer code(s) will be sent to the email address listed as the contact within 72 hours of your flight has been completed.
• For one-way, connecting or return flights, each person listed under the same PNR will receive one code each.
• If the email address is entered incorrectly during the booking, it will not be possible to have another free code re-sent.

• Children over 2 are eligible to take part in this campaign.
• Ticket cancellations and returns will be subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable fare class.

• Tickets purchased as part of the campaign can be amended providing the flight dates remain between 15 July and 18 September. The free ticket code will become available once the flight is taken.
• Check-in fees are included in the prices. For each guest and each flight segment, the check-in fee starts from 7 Turkish Liras (TL) on Turkish internal routes, 8 TL on North Cyprus routes and $8 on international routes. The fee can vary depending on the destination route, country and flight route.

How to claim your free ticket
• The free ticket code can be used for for ticket bookings through the flypgs.com , website or mobile apps
• The free ticket can be used for booking one-way, direct flights between 1 October 2016 and 25 March 2017
o Booking an internal flight in Turkey will earn you an offer code for a free ticket on any internal Turkish route
o Booking an international flight will earn you an offer code for a free ticket that can be used to purchase a flight either on an internal Turkish route or an international route DEPARTING FROM TURKEY
• To book a flight using the free ticket code, there must be a direct, one-way flight and one name listed under the PNR.
• Flights booked using the free ticket offer code will be booked under the Essentials Package on internal Turkish routes, and under the Basic Package on international routes. There will be a separate charge for any additional services and packages purchased.
• You must make the booking with your free ticket at least ten days before your preferred date of departure. The last day for booking with the free ticket code on this campaign is 15 March 2017.
• Offer codes can be redeemed as soon as they are received. All codes are valid for single use.
• Changes, returns or cancellations cannot be made to a free ticket once it’s booked.
• For guests over the age of 12, the free ticket offer code can be redeemed directly to purchase flights via the website www.flypgs.com/en, Pegasus’ mobile site or mobile app. For children aged 2-12, the ticketing must be done via calling the Call Centre of your counrty. You may check the phone numbers on /en/contact/call-center

When you select your flight options and arrive at the Payment page;
• Click on one of the two campaign options that’s relevant to you under the Campaigns tab
o If your booking is for a flight on an international route:
Select the option “2016 BUY 1 GET 1 FREE – Offer Code Received From International Flights”

o If your booking is for a flight on an internal Turkey route:
Select the option “2016 BUY 1 GET 1 FREE – Offer Code Received From Domestic Flights In Turkey”
And type in your free ticket code into the box.

o Enter your code, click ‘Apply’ and the price will be updated as ‘0’

o Complete your booking by ticking the ‘ Sell Free Ticket’ box and click ‘Buy Now’

• Pegasus reserves the right to change the details of this promotion.

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