Travel Glossary
Everything You Want To Know About Travel
Abbreviations in the aviation industry are created by coding the terms used in many areas. Passengers come across with abbreviations in the form of airport names. For example, SAW stands for Sabiha Gökçen Airport. People within the sector use abbreviations more. By doing that, people save time during written or oral communications. As every second is of vital significance in this industry, coding is an indispensable part of it. Alphabet is also used in a different way in aviation. A is Alpha, B is Bravo and C is defined as Charlie and letter create codes when they used together. To illustrate: A/D means an aerodrome or also known as an airport, ACC stands for area control center.
List of Aviation Abbreviations
Abbreviations | Term |
A | |
A/A | Air to Air |
A/C | Aircraft |
A/D | Aerodrome |
A/G | Air-to-Ground |
A/P | Airport (or Aerodrome) |
AAC | Aeronautical Administrative Communications |
AAL | Above Aerodrome Level |
ABM | Abeam |
ABN | Aerodrome Beacon |
ACARS | Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System |
ACC | Area Control Centre |
ACFT | Aircraft |
ACI | Airports International Council |
ACK | Acknowledge |
ACM | Additional Crew Member |
ACN | Aircraft Classification Number |
ACP | Azimuth Change/Count Pulse |
ACR | Alkali-Carbonate Reaction |
ACRO | Acrobatic Flight |
ACT | Active |
ACU | Air Condition Unit |
AD | Aerodrome |
ADA | Advisory Area |
ADC | Analog To Digital Converter |
ADDN | Additional/Addition |
ADEP | Aerodrome of Departure |
ADES | Aerodrome of Destination |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder |
ADIZ | Air Defence Identification Zone |
ADMIN | Administration |
ADNC | Air Defence Notification |
ADR | Advisory Route |
ADREP | Accident and Incident Data Reporting |
ADS | Automatic Dependent Surveillance |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast |
ADS-C | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract |
ADV | Advise (d)(ing) |
ADZ | Advise |
AE | Antenna/Aerial |
AF | Audio Frequency |
AFB | Air Force Base |
AFC | Automatic Frequency Control |
AFCAS | Automatic Flight Control and Augmentation System |
AFCS | Automatic Flight Control System |
AFI | After |
AFIL | Air-Filed Flight Plan |
AFIS | Aerodrome Flight Information Service |
AFLD | Airfield |
AFM | Affirm |
AFM | Airplane Flight Manual |
AFMR | Aircraft Flight and Maintenance Report |
AFS | Aeronautical Fixed Service |
AFSS | Automated Flight Information Service Station |
AFTN | Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network |
AGA | Aerodrome, Air Routes and Ground Aids |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control |
AGCA | Automatic Ground-Controlled Approach |
AGDL | Air Ground Data Link |
AGL | Above Ground Level |
AGPWS | Advanced Ground Proximity Warning System |
AGT | Travel Agent |
AG-OG | |
AH | Air Warning |
AHACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AIC | Aeronautical Information Circular |
AIM | Aeronautical Information Management |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
AIRAC | Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control |
AIREP | Air-report |
AIS | Aeronautical Information Service |
ALAR | Approach and Landing Accident Reduction |
ALERFA | Alert Phase |
ALR | Alerting Message |
ALS | Approach Lighting Sistem |
ALT | Altitude |
ALTN | Alternate (aerodrome) |
AM | Amplitude Modulation |
AMC | Acceptable Means of Compliance |
AMDT | Amendment (AIP Amendment) |
AMHS | Aeronautical Message Handling System |
AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level |
ANS | Air Navigation Services |
ANSP | Air Navigation Service Provider |
ANT | Airspace and Navigation Team |
AO | Aircraft Operator |
AOC | Airport Operators Committee |
AOC | Air Operator Certificate |
AODB | Airport Operational Database |
AP | Airport |
AP | Autopilot |
APFSP | Accident Prevention and Flight Safety Programme |
API | Air Position Indicator |
APM | Approach Path Monitor |
APN | Apron |
APP | Accident Prevention and Flight Safety Programme |
APP | Approach Control Office or Approach Control or Approach Control Service |
APT | Airport |
APU | Auxillary Power Unit |
APW | Area Proximity Warning |
ARCID | Aircraft Identification |
ARFF | Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting |
ARO | Air Traffic Services Reporting Office |
ARP | Azimuth Reference Pulse |
ARP | Aerodrome Reference Point |
ARR | Arrive or Arrival |
ARTAS | ATM Radar Tracker and Server |
AS | Airspeed |
ASDA | Accelerate-Stop Distance Available |
ASM | Airspace Management |
ASM | Air to Surface Missile |
A-SMGCS | Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control System |
ASR | Alkali-Silica Reaction |
ASR | Aerodrome Surveillance Radar |
ASTERIX | All Purpose Structured Eurocontrol Surveillance Informatıon Exchange |
ASU | Air Starter Unit |
ATA | Actual Time of Arrival |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
ATCC | Air Traffic Control Center |
ATCo | Air Traffic Controller |
ATD | Actual Time of Departure |
ATFM | Air Traffic Flow Management |
ATFMU | Air Traffic Flow Management unit |
ATIS | Automatic Terminal Information Service |
atm | Atmosphere |
ATM | Air Traffic Management |
ATMC | Air Traffic Management Centre |
ATN | Attention |
ATN | Aeronautical Telecommunication Network |
ATOT | Actual Take-off Time |
ATPL | Air Transport Pilot Licence |
ATS | Air Traffic Service(s) |
ATSEP | Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel |
ATSU | Air Traffic Services Unit |
ATZ | Aerodrome Traffic Zone |
AUG | Artas User Group |
AUP | Airspace Use Plan |
AUTH | Authorised or Authorisation |
AVBL | Available or Availability |
AVI | Live Animals |
AVSEC | Aviation Security |
AWO | All Weather Operations |
AWOS | Automatic Weather Observation System |
AWRF | Appropriate Weather Report and Forecast |
AWY | Airway |
B | |
BA | Braking Action |
BBML | Baby Meal |
BCN | Beacon (Aeronautical ground light) |
BCSI | Broadcast |
BCST | Broadcast |
BDRY | Boundary |
BHS | Baggage Handling System |
BIDS | Baggage Information Display System |
BIRDTAM | Birdtam |
BITE | Built-in Test Equipment |
BKN | Broken |
BLND | Blind Passenger |
BRNAV | Basic RNAV |
BRS | Baggage Reconcilation System |
BSCT | Bassinet/ Baby Basket |
C | |
c | Cohesion |
C/F | Workability |
CA | Cabin Attendant |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CAB | Cabin (crew) |
CACS | Card Access Control System |
CAT | Category or Clear Air Turbulence |
CAT I | Category I (one) Approach |
CAT II | Category II (two) Approach |
CAT III | Category III (three) Approach |
CAVOK | Visibility, Cloud and Present Weather Better Than Prescribed Values or Conditions |
CB | Cumulonimbus |
CBBG | Cabin Baggage |
CBR | California Bearing Ratio |
CBT | Computer-Based Training |
CC | Crew Concept |
CCH | Crew Change |
CCM | Cabin Crew Manual |
CCM | Cabin Crew Member |
CCTM | Cabin Crew Training Manual |
CCTV | Closed Circuit TV |
CDL | Configuration Deviation List |
CDR | Conditional Route |
CEAC | Committee For European Airspace Coordination |
CFIT | Controlled Flight Into Terrain |
CFL | Cleared Flight Level |
CFMU | Central Flow Management Unit |
CL | Checklist |
CHD | Child |
CHG | Modification Message |
CHML | Child/Junior Meal |
CI | Course Indicator |
CIDIN | Common ICAO Data Interchange Network |
CIP | Commercial Important Person |
CIP | Convergence and Implementation Plan |
CIV | Civil |
CL | Centre Line |
CLR | Clear or Cleared To |
CLSD | Closed |
CMB | Climb |
CNL | Cancel or Cancelled |
CNS/ATM | Communication Navigation Surveillance and Air Traffic Management |
COC | Cockpit (crew) |
COM | Communication |
COMINT | Communication Intelligence |
CONC | Concerning |
CANSO | Civil Air Navigation Service Organization |
CONX | Connect (ing) (ion) (ed) |
COO/PLC | Coordinator / Planner |
Controller | |
COOR | Coordinate or Coordination |
COP | Change Over Point |
COR | Correct or Corrected |
COSPAS - SARSAT | Cosmicheskaya Sistema Poiska Avariynyh |
Sudov- Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue Tracking | |
COUR | Courier |
CP | Captain (Commander) |
CPDLC | Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication |
CPL | Current Flight Plan message |
CPL | Commercial Pilot Licence |
CQR | Cabin Quality Report |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CRE | Class Rate Examiner |
CRI | Class Rate Instructor |
CRM | Crew Resource Management |
CRP | Compulsory Reporting Point |
CSR | Confidential Safety Report |
CTA | Control Area |
CTOT | Calculated Take-off Time |
CTR | Control Zone |
CUTE | Common Use Terminal Equipment |
CVR | Cockpit Voice Recorder |
CWP | Controller Working Position |
CWY | Clearway |
CXX | Cancellation of Flight |
D | |
D | Dangerous Area |
DA/DH | Decision Altitude/Height |
DACOS/DCS | Data Communication System |
dB | Decibel |
DCS | Departure Control System |
DCT | Direct (In relation to flight plan clearance and type of approach) |
DDS | Data Display System |
DEAF | Mute Deaf (-mute) passenger |
DEBI | Data Exchange by Internet |
DEG | Degrees |
DEP | Depart or Departure |
DEST | Destination |
DETRESFA | Distress Phase |
DHMİ | State Airports Authority |
DF | Downlink Format |
DFDR | Digital Flight Data Recorder |
DFTI | Distance From Touchdown Indicator |
DGCA | Directorate General of Civil Aviation |
DGR | Dangerous Goods Regulations |
DGS | Docking Guidance System |
DIG | Date Time Group |
DISTR | Distribution |
DIV | Diversion |
DL | Data Link |
DLA | Delay Message |
DLC | Data Link Communication |
DLHİ | Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport Ports and Airpots Construction General Directorate |
DME | Distance Measuring Equipment |
DOC | Document |
DOF | Date of Flight |
DSE | Double Side Band |
DUPE | Duplication |
DUR | Duration |
DVOR | Doppler VOR |
E | |
E | Young's Modulus |
E | Examiner |
EAD | European AIS Database |
EANPG | European Air Navigation Planning Group |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency |
EAT | Expected Approch Time |
EATMP | European Air Traffic Management Programme |
EATMS | European Air Traffic Management System |
ECAC | European Civil Aviation Conference |
EDDS | Explosive Detection Device System |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDS | Explosive Detection System |
EET | Estimated Elapsed Time |
EFB | Electronic Flight Bag |
EFF | Effective |
EGNOS | European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service |
ELEV | Elevation |
ELT | Emergency Locator Transmitter |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility |
EMG | Emergency |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interferance |
EMIG | Emigrant |
ENR | En-route (AIP Publication) |
EOBT | Estimated Off-Block Time |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radio Bacon |
ESARR | Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirement |
ESARR-2 | Reporting and Assessment of Safety Occurences in ATM |
EST | Estimate or Estimated |
ESWL | Equivalent Single Wheel Load |
ETA | Estimated Time Of Arrival or Estimating Arrival |
Etc. | Etcetera |
ETD | Estimated Time Of Departure or Estimating Departure |
ETFMS | Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System |
ETNA | Extranet to National Admin- istration |
ETO | Estimated Time Over Significant Point |
EUR | European Region |
EUROCAE | European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment |
EUROCONTROL | European Organisation for The Safety of Air Navigation |
EXC | Executive Controller |
EXER | Exercises or Exercising or To Exercise |
EXP | Expect or Expected |
F | |
F/CL | First Class |
f/FREQ | Frequency |
FA | Final Approach |
FAA | Fedaral Aviation Administration |
FAC | Facilities |
FAF | Final Approach Fix |
FAL | Facilition of International Air Transport |
FAM | First Aid Manual |
FANS | Future Air Navigation Systems |
FAP | Final Approach Point |
FATO | Final Approach and Take-Off |
Area | |
FAX | Facsimile/Fax |
FCOM | Flight Crew Operations Manual |
FCOS | Flight Computer Operating System |
FCST | Forecast |
FD | Flight Disposition Message or Flight Director |
FDM | Flight Data Monitoring |
FDPS | Flight Data Processing System |
FDR | Flight Data Recorder |
FDT | Flight Duty Time |
FEW | Few |
FG | Fog |
FIC | Flight Information Centre |
FIDS | Flight Information Display System |
FIR | Flight Information Region |
FIS | Flight Information Service |
FL | Flight Level |
FLT | Flight |
FLTCK | Flight Check |
FM | From |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FMP | Flow Management Position |
FMS | Flight Management System |
FMU | Flow Management Unit |
FNPT | Flight & Navigation Procedures Trainers |
FO | First Officer |
FOD | Foreign Object Damage |
FODA | Flight Operation Data Analyze |
FPL | Filed Flight Plan Message |
FRAG | Fragile Baggage |
FREQ | Frequency |
FRNG | Firing |
FRQ | Frequent |
FRUIT | False Replies From Undesired Interrogator Transmission |
FSK | Frequency Shift Keying |
FSM | Flight Safety Manual |
FT | Feet (Dimensional unit) |
FTC | Fast Time Constant |
FTD | Flight Training Device |
FTO | Flight Training Organisation |
FUA | Flexible Use of Aerospace |
FWD | Falling Weight Deflectemeter |
FZ | Freezing |
FZDZ | Freezing Drizzle |
FZFG | Freezing Fog |
FZRA | Freezing Rain |
G | |
G/A | Ground-to-Air |
G/G | Ground to Ground |
GA | Go Around, Go Around |
GAT | General Air Traffic |
GCA | Ground Controlled Approach System or Ground Controlled Approach |
GEN | General (AIP) |
GLONASS | Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GND | Ground |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GOM | Ground Operation Manual |
GOS | Gate Operation System |
GP | Glide Path |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPU | Ground Power Unit |
GPWS | Ground Proximity Warning System |
GRP | Group |
Gs | Specific Weight |
GS | Ground Speed |
GST | Glide Slope Intercept Altitude |
H | |
H24 | Continuous Day and Night Service |
HA | Continuous Day and Night Service |
HAA | Height above airport elevation |
HAPI | Helicopter Approach Path Indicator |
HAT | Height Above Touchdown |
HDG | Heading |
HDLC | High-Level Data Link Control |
HEA | Heavy Cargo Item (150 kg or more) |
HEL | Helicopter |
HF | High Frequency |
HFDL | High Frequency Data Link |
HGT | Height |
HIJ | Hijack |
HIL | Hold Item List |
HI-LO | High-Low Mechanical Detector |
HIPAR | High Power Acquisition Radar |
HJ | Sunrise To Sunset |
HLDG | Holding |
HMI | Human Machine Interface |
HN | Sunset To Sunrise |
HO | Service Available To Meet Operational Requirements |
HOG | Heading |
HOSP | Hospital Aircraft |
hPa | Hectopascal |
HPA | |
HR | Hour |
HS | Service Avaible During Hours of Scheduled Operations |
HUM | Human Resources |
HVAC | Heating-Ventilating-Air Conditioning |
HX | No Specific Working Hours |
HX | Cancelled Flight Plan |
Hz | Hertz |
I | |
IA | Initial Approach |
IAC | Instrument Approach Chart |
IAF | Initial Approach Fix |
IAL | Instrument Approach and Landing Charts |
IAS | Indicated Air Speed |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IBIS | ICAO Bird Strike Information System |
ICAA | International Civil Airports Assocation |
ICAN | International Comission for Air Navigation |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ID | Identifier or Identify |
IDENT | Identification |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IEEE | Institue Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers |
IF | Intermediate Frequency |
IFALPA | International Federation of Airlines Pilots |
IFATCA | International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Association |
IFATSEA | International Fedaration of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations |
IFF | Identification Friend or Foe |
IFPS | Integrated Initial Fight Plan Processing System |
IFPZ | IFPS Zone |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules |
IFRB | International Frequency Registration Board |
IFUN | If unable |
II | Interrogator Identifier |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
IM | Inner Marker |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
In | Inch |
INA | Initial Approach |
INAD | Inadmissible Passenger |
INBD | Inbound |
INCERFA | Uncertainity Phase |
INF | Infant |
INFO | Information |
INOP | Inoperative |
INS | Inertial Navigation System |
INT | Intersection |
INTL | International |
IOSA | IATA Operational Safety Audit |
IP | Instructor Pilot |
IR | Ice on Runway |
IRE | Instrument Routing Examiner |
IRI | Instrument Routing Instructor |
ISA | International Standart Atmosphore |
ISAGO | The IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) Standards |
ISASI | International Society of Air Safety Investigators |
ISK | Informative Schedule |
ITU | International Telecommunications Union |
J | |
JAA | Joint Aviation Authorities. |
JAR | Joint Aviation Requirements of the Joint Aviation Authorities. |
JAR-OPS | Joint Aviation Regulations |
K | |
K | Bulk Modulus |
km | Kilometer |
kt | Knot |
KÖİ | Public Private Partnership |
(PPP) | |
L | |
L | Left(Runway Identification) |
LAM | Local Area Multilateration |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LASER | Ligt Amplification by Stimulated Emission of adiation |
LAT | Latitude |
lb | libre |
LCA | Lowest Coverage Altitude |
LCD | Liquid Cristal Display |
LCG | Load Classification Group |
LCIP | Local Convergence And Implementation Plan |
LCN | Load Classification Number |
LDA | Landing Distance Available |
LDCS | Local Departure Control System |
LDG | Landing |
LDI | Landing Direction Indicator |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LF | Low Frequency |
LGTD | Lighted |
LHO | Live human organs or fresh human blood |
LIDAR | Light Detection and Ranging |
LIMAS | Line Maintenance Automation System |
LLZ | Localizer |
LMC | Last Minute Change |
LMT | Local Mean Time |
LOA | Letter of Agreement |
LoA | List of Aerodrome |
LOC | Local or Locally or Located |
LON | Longitude |
LOPAR | Low Power Acquisition Radar |
LORAN | Long Range Air Navigation System |
LVO | Low Visibility Operation |
LVTO | Low Visibility Take-off |
M | |
M | MACH Number (Followed by figures) |
M | Meters (Preceded by figures) |
MAA | Maximum Authorized Altitude |
MAP | Aeronautical Maps and Charts |
MAPT | Missed Approach Point |
MAX | Maximum |
MC-30 | Medium Curing |
MCC | Multi Crew Coordination |
MCCI | Multi Crew Coordination Instructor |
MCT | Multi Channel Tracking |
MDA | Minimum Descent Altitude |
MEA | Minimum En Route Altitude |
MEL | Minimum Equipment List |
MET | Meteorological or Meteorology |
METAR | Aviation Routine Weather Report (In aeronautical meteorological code) |
MIL | Military |
MIN | Minimum |
MLAT | Multilateration |
MLAW | Maximum Landing Weight |
MLS | Microwave Landing System |
MM | Middle Marker |
MME | Maintenance Management Exposition |
MMR | Multi-Mode Receiver |
MOC | Minimum Obstacle Clearance |
MOCA | Minimum Obstruction Clearence Altitude |
MODE | Meteorogial operational Telecomunications Network |
MOE | Maintenance Organization Exposition |
MOML | Moslem Meal |
MONA | Monitoring AIDS |
MOTNE | Meteorological Operational Telecommunications Network Europe |
MPA | Multi Pilot Aircraft |
Mpa | Megapascal |
MRT | Multi Radar Tracking |
MSA | Minimum Sector Altitude |
MSL | Mean Sea Level |
MSSR | Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failures |
MTCD | Medium Term Conflict Detection |
MTI | Moving Target Indicator |
MTMA | Military Terminal Control Area |
MTOW | Maximum Take-Off Weight |
MTW | Mountain Waves |
MWO | Meteorological Watch Office |
MZFW | Maximum Zero Fuel Weight |
N | |
N | North Or Northern Latitude |
n | Porosity |
N/A | Not Applicable; Not Available |
NADGE | NATO Air Defence Ground Envirenment |
NAMSA | NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency |
NAR | New Arrival Information |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NAV | Navigation |
NAVAID | Air Navigation Facility |
NC | No Change |
NDB | Non-Directional Radio Beacon |
NE | North-East |
NIL | No Items Listed |
NM | Nautical Mile |
NOF | International NOTAM Office |
FATO | Final Approach and Take-off Area |
NOSIG | No Significant Change |
NOTAM | A notice containing information concerning the establishment condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations |
NR | Number |
NRC-CAI | NATO- Russia Council- Cooperative Airspace Initiative |
O | |
O | Operation Control |
O/R | On Request |
OAC | Oceanic Area Control Center |
OAT | Operational Air Traffic |
OBST | Obstacle |
OCA | Oceanic Control Area |
OCA/H | Obstacle Clearance Altitude/ Height |
OCC | Operations Control Center |
OCO | Operations Control Officer |
ODID | Operational Data and Input Display |
OFP | Operational Flight Plan |
OFZ | Obstacle Free Zone |
OJT | On the Job Training |
OLDI | On Line Data Interchange |
OM | Outer Marker |
OM | Operations Manual |
OML | Operation Multi Crew Limitation |
ONS | Ounce |
OPMET | Operational Meteorological (Information) |
OPR | Operator / Operate / Operative / Operating / Operational |
OPS | Operations |
ORB | Orbit |
OSL | Operational Safety Limitation |
OVC | Overcast |
P | |
P | Prohibited Area (Followed by Identification) |
Pa | Pascal |
PANS | Procedures For Air Navigation Services |
PANS-ATM | Procedures For Air Navigation Services - (Doc 4444) Air Traffic Management |
PANS-OPS | Procedures For Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations |
PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicator |
PAR | Precision Approach Radar |
PATC | Precision Approach Terrain Chart |
PAX | Passenger |
PBB | Passenger Boarding Bridge |
PBN | Performance-Based Navigation |
PCN | Pavement Classification Number |
PD | Probability of Detection |
PE | Perishable Cargo |
PED | Portable Electronic Devices |
PEDS | Primary Explosive Detection System |
PENS | PAN European Network Service |
PER | Performance |
PERM | Permanent |
PF | Pilot Flying |
PIC | Pilot-in-Command |
PICUS | Pilot in Command Under Supervisor |
PIF | Pilot Information File |
PIL | Passenger Information List |
PJE | Parachute Jumping Exercise |
PLB | Pernonnel Location Becon |
PLC | Planning Controller |
PLN | Flight Plan |
PM | Pilot Monitoring |
PNF | Pilot Non Flying |
PPI | Plan Position Indicator |
PPL | Private Pilot Licence |
PRF | Pulse Repetition Frequency |
PRI | Pulse Repetition Interval |
PRKG | Parking |
PSGR | Passenger |
PSN | Position |
PSR | Primary Surveillance Radar |
PTT | Push/Press to Talk |
PWR | Power |
Q | |
QBI | Compulsory IFR Flight |
QFU | Magnetic Oreientation of Runway |
QM | Quality Manual |
QMS | Quality Management System |
R | |
R | Right |
R | Restricted Area |
R/C | Rate of Climb (per minute) |
R/D | Rate of Descent (per minute) |
RAC | Rules of The Air and Air Taffic Services |
RADAR | Radio Detection And Ranging |
RADNET | Radar Network |
RASCAL | Radar Sharing And Calculation |
RAT | Runway-Apron-Takxiway |
RCC | Rescue Coordination Centre |
RDPS | Radar Data Processing System |
REC/PLB | Recording and Playback |
REF | Reference |
REG | Registration |
REQ | Request or Requested |
RESA | Runway and Safety Area |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RFC | Radio Facility Chart |
RI | Electronic Roughness İndicator |
RM | Rezerve |
RMCDE | Radar Message Conversion And Distribution Unit |
RMK | Remark |
RNAV | Area Navigation |
RNP | Required Navigation Performance |
RPL | Repetitive Flight Plan |
RQP | Request Flight Plan Message |
RQS | Request Supplementary Flight Plan Message |
RRP | Runway Reference Point |
RS | Rapid Curing |
RSC | Rescue Sub-centrer |
RSR | En-Route Surveillance Radar |
RSOO | Regional Safety Oversight Organisation |
RTE | Route |
R/T | Radio/Telephony |
RVR | Runway Visual Range |
RVSM | Reduced Vertical Seperation Minima |
RWC | Runway Weight Charts |
RWY | Runway |
Rx | Receiver |
RX | Receiver Station |
S | |
S | South or Southern Latitude |
S/N | Serial Number |
SAC | System Area Code |
SAFA | Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft |
SANA | Safety Assessment of National Aircraft |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SARPs | Standards and Recommended Practices (ICAO) |
SASS-C | Surveillance Analysis Support System-ATC Center |
SASS-S | Surveillance Analysis Support System-Sensor |
SATCOM | Satellite Communications |
SB | Service Bulletin |
SC | Stratocumulus |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition |
SCHA | Standart Catering Handling Agreement |
SCT | Scattered (clouds) |
SDPS | Surveillance Data Processing System |
SE | South-East |
SEC | Second |
SECT | Sector |
SELCAL | Selective Calling System |
SeMS | Security Management System |
SEV | Severe |
SFC | Surface |
SFE | Synthetic Flight Examineer |
SFI | Synthetic Flight Instructor |
SG | Snow Grains |
SGHA | Standart Ground Handling Agreement |
SH | Shower |
SHGM | Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport and Communication Directorate General of Civil Aviation |
SHGR | Shower of Hail |
SHGS | Shower of Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets |
SHORAN | Short Range Navigation |
SHPE | Shower of Ice Pellets |
SHRA | Showers of Rain |
SHRASN | Showers of Rain and Snow |
SHSN | Showers of Snow |
SIA | Standart Instrument Arrival |
SIAP | Standart Instrument Approach Procedure |
SIC | System Identification Code |
SID | Standard Instrument Departure |
SIGMET | Significant Meteorological Information |
SIGWX | Significant Weather |
SITA | Integrated Information and Telecommunications Services |
SKC | Sky Clear |
SMGCS | Surface Movement and Guidance System |
SMR | Surface Movement Radar |
SMS | Safety Management System |
SN | Snow |
SNETS | Safety Nets |
SOC | Sector Operation Centre |
SONAR | Sound navigation and Ranging |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SOS | Save Our Souls |
SPA | Single Pilot Aircraft |
SPECI | Aviation Selected Special Weather Report |
SPECIAL | Special Meteorological Report |
SPIC | |
SPL | Supplementary Flight Plan Message |
SPML | Special Meal |
SR | Sunrise |
SRR | Search and Rescue Region |
SS | Sunset |
SSB | Single Side Band |
SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar |
STA | Stright in Approach |
STANAG | Standardization Agreement |
STAR | Standard Arrival Route |
STC | Sensitivity Time Control |
STCA | Short Term Conflict Alert |
STD | Standard |
STD | Scheduled Time of Departure |
STN | Station |
STOL | Short Take-Off Landing |
SUP | Supplement (AIPSupplement) |
SUR | Surveillance |
SVC | Service Message |
SVCBL | Serviceable |
SW | South West |
SWY | Stopway |
SX | Simplex |
T | |
T/O | Take off |
TA | Transition Altitude |
TACAN | UHF Tactical Air Navigation |
Aid | |
TAF | Terminal Aerodrome Forecast |
TAF | Tactical Air Force |
TAİMA | Turkish Aeronotical Information Association |
TAR | Terminal Area Surveillance Radar |
TAS | True Airspeed |
TATCA | Turkish Air Traffic Controllers Association |
TATSETPA | Turkish Air Traffic Safety Electronics Technical Personel Association |
TAX | Taxing |
TC | Tropical Cyclone |
TCAS | Traffic Collision Avoidance System |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol |
TCU | Towering Cumulus (cumulus congestus clouds) |
TDO | Tornado |
TDOA | Time Difference Of Arrival |
TDZ | Touch Down Zone |
TEL | Telephone |
TEMPO | Temporary or Temporarily |
TFC | Traffic |
THK | Turkish Aeronautical Association |
THR | Threshold |
THRU | Through |
TIL | Until |
TIP | Threat Image Projection |
TKOF | Take-Off |
TL | Transition Level |
TLB | Technical Logbook |
TLOF | Touchdown and Lift-Off Area |
TMA | Terminal Control Area |
TO | Tecnical Order |
TOC | Terminal Operation Center |
TODA | Take-off Distance Available |
TOM | Terminal Operation Manuel |
TORA | Take-Off Run Available |
TRACECA | Transport Corridor Europe Caucuses Asia |
TSOA | Time Sum Of Arrival |
TTR | Target Tracking Radar |
TURB | Turbulence |
TVOR | Terminal VOR |
TWR | Tower |
TWY | Taxiway |
Tx | Transmitter |
TX | Transmitter Station |
TXT | Text |
TYP | Type of Aircraft |
U | |
U/S | Unserviceable |
UAC | Upper Area Control Center |
UAR | Upper Air Route |
UAV | Unmanned Air Vehicle |
UCA | Upper Control Area |
UDF | Ultra High Frequency Direction-Finding Station |
UF | Uplink Format |
UFN | Until Further Notice |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
UIC | Upper Information Center |
UIR | Upper Flight Information Region |
ULD | Unit Load Device |
UM | Unaccompanied Passenger |
UNL | Unlimited |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply |
UPU | Universal Postal Union |
UTA | Upper Control Area |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinated |
V | |
VA | Volcanic Ash |
VAC | Visual Approach Chart |
VAL | Valuable Cargo |
VAR | Magnetic Variation |
VASIS | Visual Approach Slope Indicator System |
VCS | Voice Communications System |
VDF | Very High Frequency Direction-Finding Station |
VDL | VHF Digital / Data Link |
VER | Vertical |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VGML | Vegetarian Meal |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VIP | Very Important Person |
VIS | Visibility |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network |
VLF | Very Low Frequency |
VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions |
VOIP | Voice Over IP |
VOLMET | Meteorological Information For Aircraft in Flight |
VOR | Very High Frequency Omni Directional Range |
VORTAC | VOR and TACAN Combination |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
VSAT | Very Small Aperture Terminal |
VSP | Vertical Speed |
VTS | Vehicle Tracking System |
W | |
W | West or Western Longitude |
W/C | Water Cement Ratio |
WAB | Weight and Balance |
WAC | World Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:1.000.000 |
WAM | Wide Area Multilaration |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
WCHR | Wheelchair |
WDI | Wind Direction Indicator |
WEF | With Effect From or Effective From |
WGS-84 | World Geodetic System -1984 |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WI | Within |
WIE | With Immediate Effect or Effective |
WIP | Work in Progress |
WRNG | Warning |
WWW | World Wide Web |
WX | Weather |
XRAY | X-Ray |
Y | |
YD | Yard |
YİD | Yap-İşlet-Devret |
YG-AG Sistemleri | |
Z | |
Z | Co-ordinated Universal Time (in meteorological messages) |
Source: IATA