In the event of an insurance claim, you can go through the guidelines and document requirement mentioned in the Claims document table shown below:
For Accidental or Sickness (overseas only) Medical claims contact 24hrs
GIG Sigorta Assistance Services:
Phone: + 90 212 318 0872
Phone: + 90 850 488 0472
For Turkish please contact during business hours (Monday to Friday 0900 to 1800 hrs Turkish time)
GIG Sigorta A.Ş.
İnkılap Mah. Dr. Adnan Büyükdeniz Cad. 2.Blok
No:4 Daire:10,11,12 P.K:34768
Ümraniye, İstanbul /Turkey
GIG Sigorta A.Ş. Claims
+90 (216) 681 75 30
to register your claim.
Please read the following carefully to help facilitate your claim.
For all overseas medical related Claims please contact GIG Sigorta Assistance Services + 90 212 318 0872 and 90 850 488 0472 or email:
for assistance & claims management before you incur any expenses.
For other claims under the policy please inform us about the event which causes the claim for indemnification by calling +90 216 681 75 30, after the event occurs.
Please request your file reference number from the GIG Sigorta A.Ş. representative that you speak to. The file reference number will be requested in all communications and interviews and for any updates that you may need regarding your claim.
In order to obtain the emergency medical evacuation, firstly the verification must be obtained from GIG Sigorta Assistance Services , + 90 212 318 0872 and +90 850 488 0472 or this contact should be established through GIG Sigorta A.Ş.
Frequently Asked Questions
Travel Delay / Interruption

Policy and Copy of Ticket
Travel Contract (between the tour firm and the passenger)
Detailed account, documenting the payments to the travel firm
Statement from the person whom the payment will be transferred on his/her bank details
Cancellation invoice/repayment receipt or detailed account from the forwarder/ Travel firm
Copies of the pages of passport where the entrance and departure stamps exist
Letter, indicating the reason why the travel is interrupted
In case where the travel is interrupted, doctor report, indicating why the insurer /official spouse /mother/ father/sister/ brother /child returns to the country early.
If it depends on the illness or death, then the health or death report
Lost Luggage/Personal Belonging and Travel Documents

Policy and Copy of Ticket
Statement from the person whom the payment will be transferred on his/her bank details
Original coupon, proving that the luggage is delivered to the concerned airline company
In the lost related to the luggage, official letter which indicates that the airport or concerned firm accepts the event,
Detailed request letter from the insurer about the stuffs in the luggage,
Copies of the purchasing invoices, if any, for the stuffs in the luggage,
Slip of the travel ticket,
Document, indicates if the concerned firm makes the payment to the customer due to the lost luggage,
Letter, indicates that the luggage is not found,
ID card copy of the insurer,
Copy of completed statement form
Accidental Death

Policy and Copy of Ticket
Event scene inspection report and photographs
Indictment by the Public Prosecutor/Decision about Investigation
Detailed statements of the witnesses
Determination of Heirship
Detailed birth extract
Report on death from the forensic medicine / Alcohol report
License for burying /Permission letter to bury the death / Mernis death report
ID card photocopies of the inheritors
Documents, showing the income of the insurer, Social Security Employment Document, Monthly Salary Vouchers (if any, Tax Statement)
Document from the tax office, indicating that there is not any liability in respect of inheritance
Copy of completed statement form
Repatriation of Remains

Policy and Copy of Ticket
ID card copy of the person who pay the funeral charges and signed bank details,
Death report
License for burying /Permission letter to bury the death
Permission form to transport the funeral to the country
Original invoice on the funeral costs (coffin, transport etc.)
Copy of completed statement form
Accidental Permanent Total Disability

Policy and Copy of Ticket
Event scene inspection report and photographs
Statement from the person whom the payment will be transferred on his/her bank details
If there is any surgical operation previously / regular treatments, the relevant doctor reports
Final health commission report from the full equipped hospital, indicating the disability level / Health Commission Report on Percentage Permanent Disability (indicating the disability level)
Tax ID no. and ID card copy
Copy of completed statement form
Medical Expenses (Accident/Health)

Policy and Copy of Ticket
Copy of completed statement form
Statement from the person whom the payment will be transferred on his/her bank details
Doctor report/patient report from the relevant doctor or health institution related to the diagnosis and treatment
Original Invoice on treatment from the concerned health institution
If MR or tomography is applied, MR Request Form, report indicating the MR results and original invoice
Invoices, proving the treatment costs; receipts, drug prescriptions and original prescriptions
Insurer’s ID card copy /National ID number and ID card copy of the guardian and his/her child, in case of the insurers who are younger than 18 years-old
You may also download a copy of our "Claim Form".
Forms duly filled with the required documents, may be sent to
Gulf Sigorta A.Ş.
Saray Mah. Dr. Adnan Büyükdeniz Cad. No:4/2
Kat:4-5 Akkom Ofis Park Cessas Plaza P.K:34768
Ümraniye, İstanbul /Turkey
Gulf Sigorta A.Ş. Claims
+90 (216) 681 75 30