Travelling with Pets
When traveling with your pet, we prioritize their comfort and safety just as much as you do. Every detail is thoughtfully planned to ensure a smooth journey, providing you with a peaceful flight experience.
Pet transportation on Pegasus flights is offered as a Special Service for an additional fee. Only cats, dogs and birds are allowed on domestic flights, and only cats and dogs on international flights.
Types of Pets Permitted for In-Cabin Travel and Their Conditions
Domestic and International Flights (Including KKTC):
Only cats, dogs, and birds are allowed on domestic flights.
Only cats and dogs are allowed on international flights (including KKTC).
Countries that may not permit transportation:
Some countries do not allow pets to enter, exit, or transit through their borders. You should check the rules of the country you will be traveling to regarding pet travel.
-Pets cannot travel on flights to Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar.
-Pets cannot travel on flights to and from Saudi Arabia and the UK.
-Before traveling to Oman with a pet, you should contact the Oman Consulate to check the relevant legal regulations and requirements and/or obtain approval from the Sultanate of Oman’s website at https://www.customs.gov.om.
Special Conditions:
Kangal Shepherd Dog are accepted only up to 6 months of age.
Pets that may pose a risk to flight safety are not accepted on flights (e.g., American Pit Bull Terriers, Fila Brasileiros, Tosa Inus, Dogo Argentinos, American Staffordshire Terriers, Presa Canarios, Rottweilers, Dobermanns, Mastiffs, American Bulldogs, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Neapolitan Mastiffs, and Chow Chows, among others).
It is not permissible to travel with unvaccinated cats and dogs under 3 months of age. Owners of cats and dogs over 3 months of age are required to ensure their pets are vaccinated against rabies once a year. Pets that have not been vaccinated are not permitted to travel.
Pets under 3 months of age on the date of the flight will not be permitted to travel.
PETC Travel Rules
Pet Carrier Size and type:
Pet carriers must be no larger than 32x32x50 cm.
They must be appropriate for the size of the pet, waterproof, sturdy, securely locked, have adequate ventilation, and be resistant to scratches and impact.
Number and Weight of PETCs That Can Travel:
A maximum of 2 cats, 2 dogs, or 2 birds; a mother and a cub; or two cubs from the same mother can share the same pet carrier, provided the total weight does not exceed 8 kilograms. Live animals traveling in the same pet carrier are considered 1 PETC.
Pet Carriers and Strollers:
Buggy-style strollers used for pet travel are considered baggage and are placed in the aircraft's baggage compartment.
Passenger and Pet Safety
Passengers 12 Years Old and Under:
Passengers aged 12 years old and under (UM) traveling alone are not permitted to travel with a pet (PETC).
Emergency Exit Row and Front Seats:
Passengers traveling with a pet (PETC) are not allowed to sit in emergency exit rows or front-row seats.
Pets Exhibiting Challenging Behaviors:
For pets that are emotionally sensitive or exhibit challenging behaviors, the passenger is responsible for administering appropriate medication under veterinary supervision for a suitable period before the flight.
Document and License Requirements
An Import License is required for non-commercial pets traveling to KKTC with their owners.
General Requirements:
Passengers must review the national legislation and regulations of the departure, arrival, transfer, and transit countries regarding pet acceptance. This includes requirements such as health certificates, travel documents, restrictions, limits, quarantine rules, and age limits. All necessary documents must be prepared and ready prior to travel.
Pets of passengers who fail to present the required documents will not be accepted for travel. These documents include: Test results and a passport indicating the date and validity period of vaccinations, a report of the ‘rabies antibody titration’ test, conducted at least 3 months before the travel date, and the International Health Certificate obtained from the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture. It is the responsibility of passengers to ensure compliance with all rules and procedures regarding vaccinations and tests. Once all conditions are met, passengers must apply to the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture to obtain an International Health Certificate. Pets will not be accepted for travel without this certificate.
General Information
Rules and Restrictions:
For detailed information on all rules and restrictions regarding traveling with pets, please visit our General Rules page.
Limits and Reservations:
Pets are accepted on flights within certain limits. If you have exceeded limitations placed on pet travel, your pet will not be accepted. To ensure your pet is allowed on the plane, you must contact our call center immediately after purchasing your ticket.
Limits and Reservations:
For all rules and restrictions related to traveling with pets, please visit our General Rules page.
Types and Conditions of Pets Allowed to Travel in the Checked Baggage Hold:
Pets cannot travel in the hold (AVIH - Animal Vivant in Hold) on international flights.
Pets that may pose a risk to flight safety are not permitted on any flight. (Prohibited breeds include American Pit Bull Terriers, Fila Brasileiros, Tosa Inus, Dogo Argentinos, American Staffordshire Terriers, Presa Canarios, Rottweilers, Dobermanns, Mastiffs, American Bulldogs, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Neapolitan Mastiffs, Chow Chows, and similar breeds.)
Kangal Shepherd Dogs are accepted up to 6 months of age.
Vaccination Requirements: Cats and dogs under 3 months of age that are unvaccinated cannot travel. Owners of cats and dogs over 3 months of age must ensure their pets are vaccinated against rabies annually. Pets with incomplete vaccinations will not be accepted for travel.
AVIH Travel Rules
Pet Carrier Size and Type:
The pet carrier must be sturdy and hygienic, allow the pet to lie down, turn around, and move comfortably, and be securely locked. It is the passenger’s responsibility to ensure these conditions are met.
Pets with Challenging Behaviors:
For emotionally sensitive pets that display challenging behaviors, the passenger is responsible for administering medication under veterinary supervision for an appropriate period before the flight.
Document and License Requirements
An Import License is required for non-commercial pets traveling to KKTC.
General Requirements:
Passengers must check the national legislation and regulations of the countries of departure, arrival, transfer, and transit. This includes health certificates, travel documents, restrictions, limits, quarantine rules, and age requirements. All necessary documents must be prepared and ready before travel.
Pets of passengers will be refused onto the plane if they fail to present test results and an animal passport indicating the date and validity period of vaccinations, a ‘rabies antibody titration’ test report, conducted at least 3 months before the travel date, and an International Health Certificate obtained from the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture. It is the responsibility of all passengers to comply with rules and procedures regarding vaccinations and tests. Once all requirements are met, passengers must obtain an International Health Certificate from the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture. Pets of passengers who do not present this certificate will not be accepted for travel.
Passenger and Pet Safety:
Passengers 12 Years Old and Under: Passengers aged 12 years old and under traveling alone cannot travel with pets in the hold (AVIH).
General Information
Rules and Restrictions:
For all rules and restrictions regarding traveling with pets, please visit our General Rules page.
Limits and Reservations:
Pets are accepted on flights within certain limits. If the limit is exceeded, the pet cannot be accepted. To secure your pet's spot, you must add your pet by calling our call center immediately after purchasing your ticket.
For pet travel fees, please click here.